Thousands of FREE ebooks, audiobooks & journals....
and links with really cheap millions FREE in other categories....
Click on the title links to find the great resources listed below
(and then check out my growing MASTER LIST OF APOLOGETIC RESOURCES)....
and links with really cheap millions FREE in other categories....
Click on the title links to find the great resources listed below
(and then check out my growing MASTER LIST OF APOLOGETIC RESOURCES)....
The Bible....
Historical Apologetics....
Young Earth Creationism....
World Religions, Cults & False Teaching....
Journals, Magazines & Newsletters....
CHRISTIAN: Includes Apologetics, Bible, Theology, Church History, Christian Living, Kids', Fiction, etc....
MISC.: Free ebooks & audiobooks of all kinds....

- TOP 10 FREE Classic, Must-Read Apologetics Books in Ebook & Audio
- MASTER LIST OF APOLOGETIC RESOURCES: You will find lots of FREE resources here. Most of my topical bibliographies include FREE ebooks or audiobooks.
- *How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Podcast and FREE ebook
- "Why Three Brilliant Atheists Became Christians": The conversion stories of Allan Sandage, Francis Collins and Lee Strobel. An excellent but FREE 35-page booklet by my friend Ronald Cram.
- *Lantz, Joel. Bridges for Honest Skeptics
- Faith Has Its Reasons by Kenneth Boa and Robert Bowman, Jr. FREE.
- C.S. Lewis ebooks & audiobooks, etc.: Audiobooks of God in the Dock, Letters to Malcolm, The Weight of Glory, and What Christians Believe are all FREE. The audiobook version of The Pilgrim's Regress is FREE at YouTube. And his classic The Abolition of Man is FREE here. Mere Christianity is available for FREE in ebook or audiobook. Perhaps no other book written in the 20th Century has had a greater impact than this classic. Mere Christianity was chosen as one of the top 25 Christian books of all time by Christian History Magazine, which devoted an article to it that serves as a very nice introduction.You can find a brief biography of Lewis (and much more) here. Find his important article "Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism" here. Christian History Magazine has two entire issues (#7 & #88) devoted to Lewis (which are FREE in PDF). And Hillsdale College has a FREE online course on Lewis.
- G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936). Chesterton was one of the great writers of the early 20th Century and had a huge influence on C.S. Lewis. He is well known for his works of apologetics, especially Orthodoxy (also on Kindle or audiobook), The Everlasting Man (also on audio), and Heretics (available on Kindle at Amazon or Audiobook from Librivox). But he is also well known for his poetry and fiction, especially his "Father Brown" mysteries, which have been adapted for television. You can find 49 of his works in audiobook at Librivox. A brief biography, list of quotes and collection of his works is found at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. There is a wealth of information about Chesterton and his writings at The American Chesterton Society (including some notable theological essays). Christian History Magazine has an entire issue devoted to Chesterton (which is FREE in PDF).
- Gary Habermas has a list of his books and articles and the ones with hyperlinks can be downloaded for FREE (including his dissertation, The Resurrection of Jesus: A Rational Inquiry (or PDF here), Evidence for The Historical Jesus, The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ Among the Major World Religions, The Thomas Factor: Using Your Doubts to Draw Closer to God, and Dealing With Doubt, and several "Book Chapters". Dr. Habermas is a foremost expert on the resurrection of Jesus and is also highly respected for his work on the historicity of Jesus and other topics of apologetics.
- A View of the Evidences of Christianity by William Paley (1743–1805). . Kindle Edition. Location 53-156 (The entire book is FREE! on Kindle, which can be read on any electronic device using the Kindle app available at Amazon). It is also FREE! in PDF files or read online. You will also find a brief introduction to the book. You can also find another brief introduction at The Library of Historical Apologetics (which includes a link to yet another FREE! edition of this work with notes by Richard Whately). You can also find that edition at Google Books.
- The Fundamentals, edited by R.A. Torrey--a classic 4-volume defense of the faith featuring 90 essays published between 1910 and 1916. A FREE! PDF file of it. More info about this work at Theopedia and this article: "The Untold Story of the Fundamentals."
- Skeptics Who Demanded a Verdict by Josh McDowell. The stories of Charles W. Colson, C.S. Lewis and Josh McDowell. A FREE 106-page book.
- Reasons Skeptics Should Consider Christianity by Josh McDowell. A FREE 230-page book covering issues related to the Bible and Evolution.
- Josh McDowell Answers Five Tough Questions. Is the Bible completely reliable? What I believe about Evolution? Is Israel God's Chosen People? Is the Church necessary today? Are we living in the end times? A Free 472-page book.
- Why Does It Make Sense to Believe in Christ? by Martin De Haan II. A FREE! 32-page booklet in PDF file produced by Radio Bible Class Ministries.
- Another FREE! booklet by De Haan: How Can I Know There Is a God?
- Is Christianity True?: a series of 23 essays by 23 different authors at Apologetics315 (Technically this is a blog series, but think of it as a compendium. At any rate it is free and I recommend it.).
- Therefore Stand by Wilbur Smith. This book is part of John Warwick Montgomery's recommended reading.
- WORKS OF DEAD APOLOGISTS: Resources for Historical Apologetics. Many more books by apologists from the past 2000 years and they are all FREE!
- A Scientific Investigation Of The Old Testament (1926) by Robert Dick Wilson. FREE! From a review of the book: "First, some words about the author. Robert Dick Wilson (February 4, 1856 – October 11, 1930) was an American linguist and Presbyterian scholar who made major contributions in verifying the reliability of the Hebrew Bible. In his quest to determine the accuracy of the original manuscripts, Wilson eventually learned 45 languages, including Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, as well as all the languages into which the Scriptures had been translated up to 600 AD. About the book: Whoever wants to know what a true scientific approach to the Old Testament study reveals, should read this book. It examines the arguments of the "Higher Criticism" about the authorship and the dating of these documents (especially the Pentateuch) in the light of the text itself, the Hebrew grammar, the vocabulary, the analogy in the documents of the nations that surrounded the Hebrews and other factors. The book containes some irrefutable arguments,which establish the trustworthiness and the historicity of the Old Testament documents,beyond any doubt.I believe it is a must read for everybody who is looking to find the truth about the book that describes itself as "The Word of God". (Bear in mind that it is a difficult book to read, since it is not a popularized scientific work)"
- Log College Press has several FREE books and articles on apologetics.....
- Risto Santala has 3 FREE books on Messianic prophecy and one on the apostle Paul.
- The Nations in Prophecy by John Walvoord
- Israel in Prophecy by John Walvoord
- The Return of the Lord by John Walvoord
- Science Speaks: Scientific Proof of the Accuracy of Prophecy and the Bible by Peter W. Stoner, Peter W. and Robert C. Newman. You can read it online for FREE.
The Bible....
- How We Got Our Bible and Why We Believe It Is God's Word by W. H. Griffith Thomas is available to read online for FREE.
- Revelation and the Bible: Contemporary Evangelical Thought. Carl F.H. Henry, editor Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan (1958). FREE!
- Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament by Keil and Delitszch (KD). Available for FREE many places but this link will take you to the STEP Bible (which is FREE online and also to be downloaded). This is an old work but still one of the best. And they soundly answered many of the questions skeptics continue to ask today.
- The Biblical Archaeology Society offers several FREE books.
- Evidence You Never Knew Existed: Why Jesus and The Bible Can Be Trusted by Floyd McElveen. A short booklet that can be read online.
- The Evidence Bible edited by Ray Comfort (New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs in the New King James Version) is available for FREE.
- You Can Trust The Bible by John R.W. Stott is available to read online for FREE.
- God's Inerrant Word, edited by John Warwick Montgomery is available to read online for FREE.
- Inerrancy and Worldview: Answering Modern Challenges to the Bible by Vern Poythress
- Inerrancy and the Gospels: A God-Centered Approach to the Challenges of Harmonization by Vern Poythress
- Is the Bible Relaiable? by John Piper: a FREE 13 page booklet
Historical Apologetics....
- Library of Historical Apologetics hosts several books and has excellent intros and brief biographies of the authors, too.
- Works of 20th Century Apologists. Currently featuring Sir William Ramsay, C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, George Park Fisher, and many more.
- Works of 19th Century Apologists. Currently featuring Alfred Edersheim, Brooke Foss Westcott, Franz Delitsch, Stanley Leathes, Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, Sir William Ramsay, Edmund Hatch Bennett, Thomas Cooper, and more...
- Works of 18th Century Apologists. Currently featuring William Paley, Joseph Butler, George Campbell, Nathaniel Lardner, William Adams, Thomas Sherlock, and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
- Works of 17th Century Apologists. Currently featuring Blaise Pascal and Charles Leslie.
- The Works of Cornelius Van Til are FREE at Presuppositionalism 101.
Young Earth Creationism....
- Usher's Annals of the World
- has an extensive list of FREE books and articles related to the creation/evolution issue....and links to other sites with free books.
- Creation's Tiny Secret by Robert V. Gentry. Explores the evidence of Polonium halos. FREE ebook.
- Arthur C. Custance ebooks are FREE.
- Northwest Creation Network's list
World Religions, Cults & False Teaching....
- God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life: The Myth of the Modern Message by Ray Comfort. An important book confronting a popular but false gospel. Available in English, Spanish and French.
- Beyond the Bounds: Open Theism and the Undermining of Biblical Christianity by John Piper, Justin Taylor
- "Judaism Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE books on Judaism topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- "Atheism Bookshelf": An list of FREE books by atheists arranged by author at Project Gutenberg.
- "Islam Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE books on Islam topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- "Buddhism Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE books on Buddhism topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- "Latter Day Saints Bookshelf" (Mormonism): An extensive list of FREE books on Mormonism topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- "Hinduism Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE books on Hinduism topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- "Bahai Faith Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE books on the Bahai Faith topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- "Paganism Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE books on paganism topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- Warranted Christian Belief by Alvin Plantiga is available to read online for FREE.
- But Then....Who Designed God?: The Paradox of Existence by Donald Wayne Stoner can be read for FREE online.
- Truthbomb Apologetics has a long list of free books.
- Classic Works of Apologetics has an extensive list of FREE resources organized by author or in "Special Collections."
- Religio-Political Talk has an excellent list. Scroll down to find a very nice list of thumbnail/links for lots of "Specific Titles" that are FREE organized by topic.
- Katapi has several important scholarly works available to read online for FREE including Robinson's Redating the New Testament, Moule's The Birth of the New Testament and a very nice Greek/English parallel edition of Lightfoot's Apostolic Fathers.
- John Frame & Vern Poythress offer their books for FREE here.
- The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World by John Piper and Justin Taylor
- GraceLife has several FREE apologetics ebooks by my friend Mark McGee.
- Apologetics Press has several FREE ebooks and journals for adults, kids and teens.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: an excellent FREE online encyclopedia.
- Digital Public Library of America has 1734 ebooks in the category "Apologetics."
- The Gorgias Press Open Access Repository: free downloads of scholarly books on the New Testament text, the origin of Islam, the Pentateuch, Midrash research, etc.
- Apologetics books at Northwestern Theological Seminary Library
- Apologetics books hosted by the University of Pennsylvania.
- Apologetics Press FREE ebooks (and find their FREE journal here).
- Aristotle et al.: Readings for Philosophers and Catholics
- "Philosophy Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE philosophy books topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- The "Philosophy" collection at the Online Library of Liberty.
- FIRST FRUITS: "The Academic Open Press of Asbury Seminary"
- Open Access Library: Nearly 12,000 free titles in hundreds of subjects. Click on "Subjects" to right to get more detailed browsing or use search engine.
- Tactical Christianity has several FREE ebooks
- Log College Press has a large collection of well organized FREE books and articles
Journals, Magazines & Newsletters....
- Journals on Biblical Weblinks: Tyndale House hosts this and comments, "The biggest list of theological journals on the web? (If anything is missing, tell us.)" Includes both FREE and paid journals.
- Over 32,000 theological articles are available on this site free of charge. Info on navigating this site for other free resources.
- An extensive list of theological journals at Theology on the Web
- "Papers" from the International Society of Christian Apologetics (ISCA)
- Eleutheria: Liberty University's Open Access Journal
- Equipped, The Journal of the Christian Apologetics Alliance. FREE.
- inCONTEXT: The Canadian Apologetics Magazine (RZIM) is FREE.
- Hope's Reason: a FREE apologetics journal
- Apologetics Press has several FREE ebooks and journals for adults, kids and teens.
- Themelios: A Biblical and Theological Journal in association with the Gospel Coalition
- The Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism: FREE excellent journal featuring some great scholars.
- Apologia Report "AR-chive": A dedicated search engine for the archives of this FREE newsletter. You can also subscribe to have the Apologia Report emailed to you for FREE.
- Western Reformed Seminary Journal
- A Listing of More Journals
- Dissertations at Asbury Theological Seminary
- * 27 dictionaries, 8 encyclopedias, 6 concordances, 8 lexical references, 107 commentaries, plus more! "StudyLight has more Bible commentaries, encyclopedias, dictionaries, lexicons and original language tools than any other website on the internet!"
- *Hundreds of FREE Bible Commentaries....including classics that are still as good as (or better than) the newer commentaries.
- *Tyndale House has a well organized page that includes lots of FREE books in numerous categories.
- *The Bible In Its Context: How to Improve Your Study of the Scriptures by Dr. Craig Keener. An 82-page Word document that is FREE!
- *International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. A very nice FREE online version.
- *Exegetical Fallacies: Common Mistakes Every Student of the Bible Must Avoid by William D. Barrick (a FREE 11 page ebook)
- *Studies in the Scriptures by Arthur W. Pink. "A.W. Pink (1886-1952) published Studies in the Scriptures without interruption from 1922 to 1953 (1953 published posthumously). Each issue includes six to eight articles, each article addressing a different theme of Scripture and running as a series over multiple issues."
- *GraceLife has several FREE Bible Study ebooks by my friend Mark McGee.
- *The Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism: FREE excellent journal featuring some great scholars.
- *Bible Study books at Northwestern Theological Seminary Library
- *Tons more FREE Bible Study books and other resources.
- *Tyndale House has links to tons of FREE books on Church history.
- *Early Church Fathers: hosted at Christian Classics Ethereal Library (also here).
- *Early Christian Writings: This website hosts translations and introductions for a nearly comprehensive collection of the writings of the early church from the time of the New Testament until 380AD.
- *"Christian Biography": an extensive collection of links by Precept Austin
- *Christian History Magazine: Back Issues are available in electronic form for FREE.
- *Church History & Theology at Northwestern Theological Seminary Library (much more here and here).
- *J.I. Packer's Rare Puritan Library plus more: currently consists of works from 80 Puritan authors. The John Richard Allison Library in Vancouver—which hosts the joint collections of Regent College and Carey Theological College.
- *Puritan Library: tons of FREE books by and about Puritans organized by author.
- *The Wesley Center Online: The works of John and Charles Wesley, works from the Holiness Tradition, etc.
- *Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online (GAMEO)
- The Digital Book Index list of digitally archived books on the internet in the category: "History: Medieval: Early & Primitive Church History (30-600)"
- The Digital Book Index list of digitally archived books on the internet in the category: "History: Medieval: Church History (600-1500)"
- The Digital Book Index list of digitally archived books on the internet in the category: "Religion: Church Fathers (writings of)"
- The Digital Book Index list of digitally archived books on the internet in the category: "Biographies: Christian Saints"
CHRISTIAN: Includes Apologetics, Bible, Theology, Church History, Christian Living, Kids', Fiction, etc....
- Tyndale House has a well organized page that includes lots of FREE books in numerous categories.
- BibleHub has a huge library of online books in several categories.
- Web Directory of Biblical Studies: Links compiled and annotated by Michael Marlowe
- *Free Christian Audio Books: classics!
- *300 FREE Ebooks Listed Alphabetically by Author. At Mongergism.
- *Dozens of FREE classics of the faith to be read online at Bible Study Tools
- *25 FREE ebooks by John Walvoord
- *More than 150 booklets produced by Discovery House Publishing (Radio Bible Class Ministries)
- *Baker Pulbishing Group's page for FREE and cheap ebooks.
- *Precept Austin has a very long list of FREE books
- *Revolution in World Missions is a FREE ebook from Gospel for Asia.
- *FREE ebooks from David C. Cook Publishing.
- *FREE books from Josh McDowell.
- Teaching Wisdom to Our Children by Mark McGee
- *WTS Books: A Ministry of Westminster Theological Seminary....162 FREE books.
- *Christian offers a new FREE audiobook every month.
- *Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL).
- *Bible Study Tools hosts a large library of Christian classics.
- *The Evangelical Christian Library.
- *Blue Letter Bible hosts lots of great books. The page says "commentaries" but many of these are Christian classics.
- *125 FREE Kindle books at Cross-Points
- * has a list of hundreds of public domain Christian books.
- *Theological Commons at Princeton Theological Seminary hosts 80,000 digital books. Scroll down on the left to find the books organized by subject or use the search engine.
- *Worthy Christian Library: Dozens of books by A.B. Simpson, A.W. Tozer, Andrew Murray, Spurgeon, Moody, and many others.
- *Directory of Open Access Journals: Search hundreds of journals.
- *Free & Low Cost Christian Books: A Facebook group where there is a continual listing of new items.
- *Holy Pig has FREE ebooks organized in alphabetical order, with options to sort by a few select categories.
- *Jesus Army: lots of FREE books organized by author.
- *World Invisible: lots of FREE books.
- *Kids' Books at ChristArt
- *Spirit Filled Kindle: A website dedicated to cheap and FREE Christian Kindle books--sorted into 3 categories: $2.99, 99 cents and FREE!
- *Duke University: "Open Access Resources in Religious and Theological Studies"
- *"Christianity Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE Christian books topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- *The "Religion" collection at the Online Library of Liberty.
- *The "Religion" collection at Directory of Open Access Books
- *The "Religion--Christianity" collection at Forgotten Books (requires free membership).
- Threshold at Monergism
- SermonIndex has a long list of links
- *Over 200 Kindle titles from 99 cents to $5.99 hosted at the Poached Egg. Focused on apologetics books but includes other Christian books, also.
- *Theology and Biblical Studies books from 99 cents to $ more!
- *Gospel eBooks: alerts you to sales on Christian ebook.
- *Christian Book Distributor's (CBD) "Bargain Center"
- *Early Christian Writings: Translations and introductions for a nearly comprehensive collection of the writings of the early church from the time of the New Testament until 380AD.
- *Early Jewish Writings: This site is still partly under construction but is connected to "Early Christian Writings" (above). It hosts translations and introductions for the Old Testament, Deuteroncanonical books, Pseudepigrapha, Philo, Josephus and the Talmud, and will soon have the Dead Sea Scrolls.
- *Perseus Collection: Greek and Roman Materials: Primary sources for the ancient Greco-Roman world.
- *Online Resources from Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. An amazing array of FREE resources including a digital library, 3000 free images, online coins of the Roman world, images for 50,000 papyri, an open-source map-making program and more!
- *"Classical Antiquity Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE ancient texts topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- *"Mythology Bookshelf": An extensive list of FREE books on mythology topically arranged at Project Gutenberg.
- *Harvards' Center for Hellenic Studies' online publications.
- The Internet Classics Archive at MIT. Nicely organized.
MISC.: Free ebooks & audiobooks of all kinds....
- *Just Free Books: "searches the content of more than 700 web sites, including, and ."
- *"Harvard Classics Bookshelf": Maintained at Project Gutenberg.
- *OverDrive: A great way to borrow newer ebooks and audiobooks in partnership with libraries that use this service. Check with your local library about availability.
- *Librivox: Free public domain audiobooks
- *Digital Books Index: links to digitally archived books all over the internet organized in hundreds of basic categories.
- *Internet Archive: millions of free books, movies, software, music, and more.
- *Free Google eBooks: Search for titles and authors from this page....or try the "Advanced Search" and click on "Google eBooks only" or use this page.
- *University of Pennsylvania: more than 2 million books! A dedicated search engine for searching for public domain books on the internet or browsing by category.
- * "Periodicals, Books & Authors....Many Millions of Pages of Readable, Searchable Content at Your Fingertips"
- *New York Public Library Digital Collection: "a living database with new materials added every day, featuring prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, streaming video, and more."
- *Digital Public Library of America "brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world."
- *Open Culture: 800 Free eBooks....Plus Audiobooks, Courses, etc. of all kinds
- *Project Gutenberg: A large variety of public domain works topically arranged.
- *Loyal Books: Free public domain audiobooks and ebooks.
- *Directory of Open Access Books
- *Directory of Open Access Journals: Search over 10,000 of journals.
- *The Online Library of Liberty
- *Thousands of FREE TEXTBOOKS from Springer.
- *eBooks @ Adelaide
- VIRGO: University of Virginia's database of electronic texts
- *Forgotten Books: A large variety of public domain books topically arranged (free membership required).